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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas is Coming

Christmas is 13 days away and for many that means "more".....more shopping, more spending, more work, more eating/drinking (leading to more pounds), more entertaining, more being entertained, more anxiety, more lists, more travel in much more traffic all leading to more stress.  With all of the focus on "more", we unfortunately tend to forget about the "most"....the most fun with our family and friends, the most smiles of the year on our children's faces, and the most celebrated time of the year for the most important reason.  I was lucky enough last night to spend the evening with my co-workers and their families.  We ate, drank (maybe too much for some), laughed, played with the kids, and looked forward to a New Year filled with challenges and blessings.  For the night, at least, I forgot the stress and enjoyed the moment.  The dilemma is how to translate that feeling into positivity over the next 2 weeks.  I am determined to try and hopefully enjoy this year more than those before.  If I am sitting in traffic, I will remember how blessed I am to have a car.  If I am standing in long lines, I will thank God for strong legs.  If I am spending too much money I will be thankful for a job allowing that luxury.  If I get tired of cooking, I will think of those starving around the world. If I grow weary of cleaning and decorating the house, I will remember those living on the streets in this oh so cold time of year.  And if I find myself wishing the kids were back in school, I will remind myself of how blessed I am to have a family knowing that for many that may never happen.  Most of all, I will remember the reason for it all.....Jesus Christ.....and his love for each and every one of us. That thought alone makes all of the complaints about the season seem selfish and trivial.  It is not about gifts (though I have to admit to enjoying them).  It is not about the lights, the tree, the shopping.  It is about knowing that even when we feel our lowest, he is there watching over, and when we feel our happiest, he is there smiling for us. If only we could bestow upon our family and friends the same.  So if you are looking for a gift for me this year...put this on your Christmas list....Amber wants another year filled with blessings, challenges, surprises, and the joy of waking up every day to the smiles on her kids' faces. Believe me, I couldn't ask for more.

1 comment:

As The Pages Turn...

Amber is currently reading:

Decision Points (still) by George W. Bush
The Miracle of Mercy Land by River Jordan

Scott is currently reading:

The Obama Diaries by Laura Ingraham

Madison (who did this herself) is currently reading:

Allie Finkle's Rules for Girls by Meg Cabot

Taylor is currently reading:

The Turning by ???? because she won't go get it for me

Carson is currently reading:
